Auction 242 is online…

22nd August 2024: LATEST NEWS

  • ISC Auction no. 242 has been uploaded to the Website; this Auction will close on 7th September.

  • Material for Auction no. 243 and future Auctions is required, so consignments are requested to be sent to Srinivas Prava for States material, and to Deepak Jaiswal for British India.

  • Issue no 232 of India Post has been completed by Apratim Bhattacharya and his Editorial Team, assisted by the out-going Editor, Sandeep Jaiswal, and has been up-loaded to the Website, with printed copies in transit from our new printer/ distributor, Madhukar Jhingan. Apratim is already working on issue no. 233 and, although having articles promised from his regular contributors, material from the wider membership is welcomed.

  • On Saturday 17th August three presentations were given by ISC exhibitors at The Great American Stamp Show (GASS) in Hartford, Connecticut, USA, transmitted live on Facebook and Zoom. Raj Rajan gave a presentation on Gandhi, Apratim Bhattacharya’s presentation was titled “Armed Struggle for India’s Freedom – the End Game during WWII” and the ISC’s Program Secretary, Sandeep Jaiswal, presented “India KGVI Postal Stationery”. These presentations were recorded and it is intended that they will be uploaded to the ISC Website.

  • EuroPhilEx 2025 is a major International Stamp Show that will be held at the National Exhibition Centre, just outside Birmingham, UK, from the 7th to the 11th May 2025. A meeting room has been booked from 1 to 3pm on Wednesday 7th May for Sandeep Jaiswal to arrange an ISC Meeting, at which he hopes that ISC members who are exhibiting will give talks about their exhibits, to be transmitted via Zoom. A detailed program will be announced in due course, including details of a dinner to be arranged afterwards. General details of EuroPhilEx can be found on their website.

  • BOSTON 2026 World Expo will be a major International Stamp Show, held from the 23rd to the 30th of May 2026 at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, which is an excellent venue. It is hoped that there will be good attendance from ISC members at the meeting that Sandeep is organizing, especially Indian members, and it has been suggested that there could be an ‘internal’ ISC competition with the ISC supplying a suitable trophy. Look out for details of the dinner that Sandeep will be arranging following the ISC meeting.

  • STOP PRESS! – Sandeep has committed to having the ISC as the only convening Society at the Philatelic Show in Boxborough, Massachusetts, USA, from the 18th to the 20th of April. On Saturday the 19th of April presentations will be arranged at the frames, to be followed by lunch. Sandeep would like to encourage exhibitors to apply. The link to the show is:

  • It’s simple to join the India Study Circle – click the ‘Apply to join here’ button, below, and submit the completed application form.

India Study Circle has a vast indexed library, many scholarly articles written on various topics. Check it out here
India Study Circle UK packet members can download related documents here
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It’s simple to join the India Study Circle – click the Apply to join here button, below, and submit the completed application form
Auction 242 is on the website…
To access more-detailed information, you need to be a member, when you will have access to the following benefits:

Our quarterly journal, India Post, regular on-line auctions, the digital library and liaison with eminent philatelists worldwide, by means of contributing to Gallery displays, presentation meetings (virtual at present), and by various means of electronic communication including Facebook and WhatsApp

Use the menu bars at the top and bottom of the page to access ISC services.