15th July 2024: LATEST NEWS

  • Unfortunately, Sandeep Jaiswal has informed the Committee that, due to pressure of work, he needs to relinquish the Editorship of India Post; his last issue will be no. 232, which is currently with the printers. We are grateful to Sandeep for having taken on the role at short notice when the previous Editor resigned after the publication of issue no. 225, initially on a temporary basis.

    Apratim Bhattacharya has agreed to become the new Editor and he has discussed his ‘5-Year Plan’ with the Committee. This includes working with the support of various eminent ISC members as an editorial team, including Sandeep. Apratim’s first issue will be no. 233

    Moses Mathuram has agreed to take over as moderator of the ISC WhatsApp Group. Apratim will remain responsible for Facebook and ‘X’.

  • ISC Auction No. 241 closed on 4th May; 254 lots were sold out of 446 offered (57%). Based on this result, and that of Auction no. 234, the conclusion is that the US Auction project is succeeding. Lots are being requested for Auction 242 and future Auctions to be sent to Srinivas Prava, for States material, and Deepak Jaiswal, for British India.

  • Terry Hare-Walker gave a presentation to Cannock Philatelic Society, Staffordshire, UK, on 4th June, on the subject of “The RAF Desert Service and Camps in India for Boer Prisoners”, and to Wombourne Philatelic Society, also in Staffordshire, on 20th June, on the subject of “Campaign in Mesopotamia, World War I”. Both were well received.

  • EuroPhilEx 2025 is a major International Stamp Show that will be held at the National Exhibition Centre, just outside Birmingham, UK, in May 2025; general details have been published on their website. The ISC Program Secretary, Sandeep Jaiswal, intends to arrange an ISC Meeting during this show, at which he hopes that ISC members who are exhibiting will give talks about their exhibits, to be transmitted by Zoom, followed by a dinner.

  • BOSTON 2026 World Expo will be held from the 23rd to the 30th of May 2026 at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, which is an excellent venue. It is hoped that there will be good attendance from ISC members, especially Indian members and it has been suggested that there could be an ‘internal’ ISC competition with the ISC supplying a suitable trophy.

  • It’s simple to join the India Study Circle – click the ‘Apply to join here’ button, below, and submit the completed application form.

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Auction 241 is on the website…
To access more-detailed information, you need to be a member, when you will have access to the following benefits:

Our quarterly journal, India Post, regular on-line auctions, the digital library and liaison with eminent philatelists worldwide, by means of contributing to Gallery displays, presentation meetings (virtual at present), and by various means of electronic communication including Facebook and WhatsApp

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